April 1st-April 6th

Mar 28, 2024

Week Ahead

Congrats to each and everyone of you for crushing your personal goals during this past week. We are proud and so excited to see all of the GOLD STARS on the leaderboard!!

Don't forget we have modified schedule for Monday April 1st. 

Our 1 year anniversary and next Bring a Friend Day will be April 13th. 9am workout and fellowship afterwards. If you bring a friend and they sign up, there is a prize for you!

Lets get to it... 
Because this is a deload week between cycles, there won’t be any strength training. So, let’s have some fun! 

We begin on Monday with a 2-set 10-minute AMRAP where you will be challenged to maintain consistency and pacing while performing various skills. We will begin today with 10-15 mins to practice Crossovers, Bar Muscle Ups, or Handstand Walks. Use this time wisely and work on the basics and technique to get these movements. 

Tuesday’s workout is comprised of two parts, where you will exert yourself, take a break, and then repeat. After the last rest interval, you will be required to perform the workout in a chipper style, making it the ultimate finisher. Save you lungs and pace yourself then give it all you got for the end.

On Wednesday, we have an intense 3-round triplet workout that emphasizes the lower body. The weather is turning nice so let's get back to running. Today will have 400m run with some core and more legs. 

Thursday’s workout is our favorite descending rep scheme, and we all know what we must do: come out moving and hang on. give it all and work through the pain while maintaining good form. We will begin today by taking 10-15mins to work on handstand push-ups. Get with your coach to work on basics and techniques so we can increase our library of movements.

I am excited about Friday’s “Functional Pump” workout, which provides us with an opportunity to sweat it out and grind through some bodybuilding-type exercises. This is a two-part workout with a 5 min rest in the middle. It will be very fatiguing on the muscles so shake it out during the rest.

On Saturday, we have a grit/grip test repeat workout that will challenge athletes both physically and mentally. Communicate well with your partner and be strategic about the transitions. 

Happy Easter!!

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By Erin Moore 12 May, 2024
It is a beautiful Sunday here is Reidsville NC and we are starting off another great week of workouts. We want to first say Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers in the gym! You are amazing for balancing a family, a career, and taking time for yourself in the gym. We want to extend our thanks and offer all mothers a small token of our gratitude and give each of you a free recovery drink after the workout of your choice. (o2, FitAid). Murph is coming up on May27th, Sign-up for your heat is to the left of the TV. We have a great patriotic shirt for sale as well. If you want a shirt, give your money to a coach. We must have shirt money and order done by Friday, May 17th to ensure they arrive by Monday the 27th. Invite your freinds to do Murph with us and anyone inside or outside the gym may order a shirt. We have a lot of great things in the works including a charity event and possibly and in-house competition!! Lets get to it... **This Week’s Workouts:** Yes, we are still doing Murph prep, but this week, we are taking a different approach and starting off with one of the forgotten Girl workouts, “Barbara.” Very similar but it will add in some core work to the prep. On Tuesday, we dive into the pain cave and attack an ascending cardio kicker. We will tackle a descending reps of bike and burpees. Before the workout we will have an EMOM of skill work. We can work on handstand holds on the wall or begin the progression for handstand walks. Don't neglect the skill work with your coaches! Our strength this week is snuck inside a workout, where the focus is seeing how well we can lift while under fatigue. This one is going to be fun! We will have a buy-in of meters on the rower and then in the remaining time build to a heavy Clean and Jerk. Let's see some heavy lifts! The Functional Pump for the week is on Thursday, and we are giving it a little sprinkle of cardio with the upper body pump. Everyone like s a good pump! We are taking the same approach as Wednesday, with the strength implemented into the workout for Friday. Buy in consisting of a run and then finding a heavy double snatch then cashing out with another run. Then, we arrive on Saturday, and it’s a repeat partner workout that will test everything! It's split up into teams of 2 but you can partition the reps any way you would like. Be strategic and go with big sets to save on transition time but don't go out to hot and not be able to stay consistent. Its going to be a great week! See you in the gym! #herewego #Reidsville #NC
05 May, 2024
Its is the beginning of a new month and we are just getting started! First we have Murph coming up Monday, May 27th. We will have two heats running at 8:30 and 9:45. There will be a sign-up sheet in the gym for what heat you want to run. Please come early and stay late and cheer everyone on!! We have some awesome shirts for Murph. We will be releasing the design and pre-order very soon. Be on the lookout!! May meter challenge is going very well! Get those miles and meters in before its too late. Remember, you have to have 7 class sign-ins and 25K meters to qualify. Cash prize for top male and female! Lets get to it... **This Week’s Workouts:** It’s the beginning of a new week and we’re starting off with Murph Prep Monday to set the tone for the week. All of the meters run during Murph prep count towards May meter challenge (excluding warm-up). Lets make this Murph our fastest one yet! After a fun Snatch complex, we’ll be doing the original benchmark workout, “Isabel,” on Tuesday. This is a CrossFit benchmark workout. For those new to this, you can do this workout, record your scores and next time you see this workout (you will) you can see your improvement. For our Functional Pump this week, we will focus on the lower body and being explosive through some quick sets. This workout will get the legs pumped up! Go unbroken on these sets and enjoy the rest in between rounds. On Thursday, we will be doing “Bad Annie” after a lengthy strength session of power cleans to increase our volume. Annie is another benchmark workout but this one is longer! Its a fun piece consisting of jump rope and sit-ups. Simple and fun! On Friday, we will be doing a fun chipper that starts with a lengthy row and ends with an upper body workout followed by a leg wrecker. Chippers are big sets of one movement before we move on to the next. Lots of fun and easy to watch your pace. Don't go out too hot and enjoy the burn! Finally, on the weekend, we will be doing a Team Quarterfinals workout, where athletes will sync up on some dumbbell snatches and toes to the bar. Good communication is going to be key to completing this workout with no missed reps. Find your favorite workout partner and have fun! There is more to come in the next few months and we are working hard to make things happen! Thank you to each and everyone of you for making our community great! See you in the gym! #herewego
28 Apr, 2024
Its another beautiful Sunday here in Reidsville NC and we are excited about the week ahead. We have a lot of great things coming up so lets get started! Starting May 1st, we have our next challenge. This challenge will be cardio focused. Its all about meters. You can walk, run, row, or ski. This can be done in our outside the gym. Going for a walk at lunch?? It counts! $5 buy in and winner split the pot!!!! See a coach for further details. (All money will be due on May 1st. Lets just right into what we have in store this week... **This Week’s Workouts:** It’s another week, and we’re starting with Murph Prep Monday to set the tone for the week. Remember to show up and get this workout in and lets see some improvements in Murph this year. (Meters done in Murph Prep count towards May Meter Challenge starting in May) For Tuesday, we will begin with a complex of clean grip deadlifts, hang power cleans and jerk. Focus on technique to watch the weight increase. The workout for today will be a cardio challenge. Work through this one strategically and keep moving! As long as your moving, your working! Wednesday will be a challenging workout with a dumbbell and a shoulder finisher. A typical CrossFit rep scheme but ascending 9-15-21-27 with dumbbells and finish with some wall walks and double unders. Thursday we will begin with a snatch ladder EMOM. Going to be fun and put us under fatigue. Workout for the day will be back squats and sit-ups. There will be a built in rest but it is short so pace accordingly. On Friday, it’s Functional Pump Day, and we’re focusing on the shoulders. We will begin with ring dip practice for all athletes. After that we will have our pump session of dumbbell shoulder to overhead and dips. Saturday is a partner workout that combines muscle endurance and cardio for an all-around tough workout. This workout has many different movements (these are my favorite!) Work out a strategy and play to the strengths of each person and enjoy! We cant wait to see everyone in the gym this week! If you see someone os missing, reach out and check on them and lets get back into great habits! #herewego #luckfavorshardwork #luckycityathletics #crossfitluckycity
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